Stem Cels
Rainbow Brite: Coloring Book

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The original cover art and certain pages from the coloring book "Dome Sweet Dome." Other pages are from the Giant coloring book. The page numbering is very confusing, because quite a few pages from the Dome Sweet Dome book were reused for the Giant book. I do not have a complete set from either coloring book, which is unfortunate.

I have 40 pages, plus the cover art. :) The majority of the pages are hand-drawn, but there are a few copied pages (with hand-done corrections).

Purchased from the liquidators in charge of selling the surplus items from the Golden Book/Western Publishing archive. It is interesting that my concept art (also from the Western Publishing Company) was auctioned separately from the rest of the archive...

 "Dome Sweet Dome"

 Cover (text layout)

 Page 71

 Page 72

 Page 73

 Page 74

 Page 75

 Page 76

 Page 77

 Page 78

 Page 79

 Page 80
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Curator: reithejelly
Gallery Created: 11/20/2003
Hits: 97832

Presentation 8.93/10   Collection 8.99/10   Overall 8.92/10   Votes 93 votes
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